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FAQ – Whitening treatments at the Centre de santé dentaire Dre. Thu Nguyen

FAQ – Whitening treatments at the Centre de santé dentaire Dre. Thu Nguyen

Tooth discolouration is a natural phenomenon that can occur due to age. Our teeth inevitably change colour with time, but it can often be the outcome of smoking, coffee stains, highly pigmented foods or even dental treatments.

Based on your personal preference, Dr. Nguyen can suggest the whitening treatment fit for you. By booking a preliminary evaluation, she will determine if you are eligible for the treatment, its success rate specific to you and other questions you may have.
Please note that these treatments are not recommended for pregnant or nursing women, as well as children under 12 years of age.

1. What treatments do you offer for tooth whitening?

We offer 2 options to our patients:

▸ Option 1 : At home
We prepare custom trays moulded to your teeth that you can use at home. The results are visible after 7 to 14 days.
Cost: $300

▸ Option 2 : In-office
We use whitening light technology for a duration of 60 minutes. The main activating ingredients are carbamide peroxide and hydrogen peroxide. We start by polishing the teeth, then place a protective barrier on the gums. A gel is applied to the teeth containing those ingredients, followed by a bright light placed directly above your mouth. If you would like more information, click here. The results are visible instantly!
Cost: $550

Both procedures will give you the same whitening effect. All of our patients are ecstatic with their results and you will be too!

2. How long does the whitening effect last?

The duration of the results will depend on your habits. If you’re a smoker and frequently consume red wine and other staining foods, the whitening effect will become duller faster. However, if your habits are good, you can expect to do some retouching every year or other year.

3. How white will the results be?

The result will depend on your starting shade. We offer a preliminary evaluation ($40) to see if you are eligible for teeth whitening and to answer any other questions you may have.

4. Are these treatments painful? What can I expect?

No, these whitening procedures are not painful. The only side-effect you may experience is increased sensitivity to hot or cold foods. We recommend a tooth and gum exam to evaluate if you are eligible for the treatment, should you have concerns (as mentioned in the previous question).

5. Will my insurance cover a whitening treatment?

Every insurance is different; therefore, you must inquire with them to confirm the details of your coverage.

You can get the sparkling smile you’ve dreamt of with the help of tooth-whitening procedures by Dr. Nguyen.

Call us today (450) 691-0711 or fill out the form below and we will contact you for an appointment!

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