Horaire des fêtes: Le centre est fermé du 22 décembre au 7 janvier.

Do you hear a cracking sound or feel a snapping sensation during mastication or yawning? Jaw-cracking is a symptom that may indicate an issue with the temporomandibular joint. If your jaw articulations are stiff or your muscles feel impinged, consult a dentist immediately!

Causes of cracking jaw

  • Injuries to the jaw following an accident
  • Blow to the head or the neck (cervical lesion)
  • Diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis
  • Issue with jaw development affecting the alignment of teeth, causing pain during mastication
  • Contraction of jaw muscles during periods of stress
  • Tooth-grinding at night

Before visiting your dentist…

  • Relax! When you experience stress, you may contract your jaw muscles subconsciously. Monitor your stress levels, and remember to relax your jaw muscles during tense moments!
  • Wet a swab with hot or cold water and run it over tired or painful muscles. If cold water increases discomfort, use hot water, and vice versa.
  • Avoid placing the superior and inferior teeth together, except when chewing.
  • Be careful what you eat. Avoid sticky foods and gum. Foods that are difficult to masticate should also be avoided.

The best advice we can offer: When you feel your jaw cracking, contact us. We’ll discuss the problem and find a solution for you.

