Nous sommes fermés du 23 décembre au 3 janvier inclusivement.

Orthodontic treatment to treat a malocclusion

An orthodontic treatment can be a solution for various teeth problems. We want to share a specific problem where braces have resolved a malocclusion that the patient had prior to starting the orthodontic treatment. The difference is incredible! When a patient has a malocclusion, it is not only for esthetic reason that we will recommend an orthodontic treatment. […]

Bruxism : the explanation of many troubles

Throughout their lives, a large portion of the population will experience bruxism, also known as teeth grinding or clenching. This dental problem is far from being normal and should be taken seriously to avoid any physical consequences. Symptoms of bruxism not to be neglected Morning migraines, pains in the jaws or in the temporomandibular joints; […]