Horaire des fêtes: Le centre est fermé du 22 décembre au 7 janvier.

Teeth whitening promotion: 50% off

It’s time to get your white Smile for those holiday parties and pictures! We are offering 50% off our in-office teeth whitening! For 225$ you will get a 1 hour in-office whitening procedure and custom whitening trays for your home kit! As an added value, take an additional 50$ off if you schedule a cleaning […]

Dre Thu Nguyen fait le rachat des bonbons d’Halloween de vos tout-petits!

Dans le cadre des festivités entourant l’Halloween, nous souhaitons encourager les bonnes habitudes de santé dentaire. Dre Thu Nguyen et son équipe sont bien heureuses d’offrir la possibilité d’échanger contre de l’argent les bonbons d’Halloween que les enfants apporteront à la clinique. Le 2 novembre prochain entre 15h30 et 18h, les parents sont invités à venir à […]

Halloween Candy Buyback 2015

Dr. NGUYEN calls out to all children for a fun filled Halloween Candy Buy Back Event. This event is dedicated to helping children avoid overconsumption of candies during Halloween and thus warding off cavities in a very subtle and entertaining way bound to attract children. During the event children will be welcome to bring their […]

Is your jaw cracking?

Do you hear a cracking sound or feel a snapping sensation during mastication or yawning? Jaw-cracking is a symptom that may indicate an issue with the temporomandibular joint. If your jaw articulations are stiff or your muscles feel impinged, consult a dentist immediately! Causes of cracking jaw Injuries to the jaw following an accident Blow […]