Horaire des fêtes: Le centre est fermé du 22 décembre au 7 janvier.

Coloring contest – 2020 edition

Spring Break is upon us, and we’re kicking it off with a coloring contest! The prize for the draw will be a Nerf toy. [vc_separator type=’transparent’ position=’center’ color= » thickness= » up= » down= »] Here’s how to enter: [vc_separator type=’transparent’ position=’center’ color= » thickness= » up= » down= »] Grab the coloring sheet here; Or pick one up at our office at […]

Coloring contest

Spring Break is upon us, and we’re kicking it off with a coloring contest! Participants will have a chance to win a gift certificate to the movies! [vc_separator type=’transparent’ position=’center’ color= » thickness= » up= » down= »] To enter it’s easy! [vc_separator type=’transparent’ position=’center’ color= » thickness= » up= » down= »] Grab the coloring sheet here. or Pick up one at […]

Testimony in family dentistry – Isabella Cree from Kahnawake

Excellent from start to finish. The kids never worried about returning, always a pleasant experience. And they’re always smiling when they exit the dentist office now. Isabella is cavity free!! In the past, I always had trouble with freezing, needing two or three syringes. Here, I only needed one and my repairs were never even […]

Food and toy drive

In this season of sharing and giving, the Centre de santé dentaire Dre Thu Nguyen has partnered with Châteauguay & Kahnawake food banks to collect non-perishable food items. We are also collecting toys for the Montreal Children’s Hospital. [vc_separator type=’transparent’ position=’center’ color= » thickness= » up= » down= »] All items can be brought to our clinic during opening […]

Testimonial for family dental care – Mathieu De Champlain from Mercier

J’ai toujours été bien reçu avec un grand sourire. Les employés sont toujours de bonne humeur et attentionnés.  J’ai eu besoin d’un rendez-vous d’urgence pour une dent brisée qui était très douloureuse. Dre Thu Nguyen et son équipe ont été en mesure de m’aider le jour même. Merci! Zach De Champlain from Mercier who visited us […]

Testimonial for family dentistry – Jessica Besner from Mercier

Le personnel très sympatique. Je vous recommande! Merci pour les tasses  (publicité gratuite va être faite chez DPJL 🙂 ). J’ai particulièrement aimé voir Mia assister Monica.  . Mrs. Besner with her 3 year-old daughter Mia who has been a patient in family dentistry for 1 year.