Horaire des fêtes: Le centre est fermé du 22 décembre au 7 janvier.

Douleur à la mâchoire : un guide complet sur les causes et les solutions

douleur à la machoire

La douleur à la mâchoire est une condition médicale complexe et multifactorielle qui peut impacter significativement la qualité de vie. Souvent négligée ou mal diagnostiquée, elle mérite une attention particulière pour identifier correctement les causes sous-jacentes et proposer des solutions efficaces. Cet article offre une exploration détaillée des origines, symptômes et traitements de la douleur […]

Retrouvez le sourire en une journée avec le traitement All-on-4®


Avez-vous perdu l’éclat de votre sourire à cause de dents manquantes ou d’une dentition défaillante? Le traitement All-on-4® pourrait bien être la clé pour raviver votre confiance et restaurer la fonctionnalité de votre sourire en une seule journée. Dans cet article, nous allons explorer les détails de cette technique révolutionnaire, les avantages qu’elle offre, et comment elle […]

FAQ – Whitening treatments at the Centre de santé dentaire Dre. Thu Nguyen

Tooth discolouration is a natural phenomenon that can occur due to age. Our teeth inevitably change colour with time, but it can often be the outcome of smoking, coffee stains, highly pigmented foods or even dental treatments. Based on your personal preference, Dr. Nguyen can suggest the whitening treatment fit for you. By booking a […]

What is a crown?

It’s a hollow artificial tooth that is used to cover a damaged or decayed tooth. They restore the tooth functionally but also its shape and appearance. A crown is similar to a natural tooth. Crowns: the steps First, we must administer a local anesthetic. Then we proceed to the milling or grinding of a portion […]

Dental veneers and crowns treatment

Ms. Analie recently had some veneers and crowns done at our dental clinic.  The treatment allowed her to correct some discoloration and improved the shape on her two front teeth. We invite you to visit our detailed page to learn more about different dental esthetic treatment offered at our clinique. To learn more about dental veneers, […]

The many sides of dentistry!

Veneers, amalgam, composite : they are all common words that represent nice solutions in dentistry, Most importantly, they are major players in restoring teeth. Thin layers fixed to the visible surface of the treated tooth, veneers are made out of porcelain or composite. When do you need veneers? Veneers are usually used to enhance the […]

Your options for replacing a tooth

Have you lost a tooth following an extraction or an accident? Several options are available for our patients depending on their situation and the number of teeth to be replaced. But first of all, why must one replace a missing tooth? It is important to know that a tooth replacement is recommended not only for […]

Testimonial – Liliane Williams from Kahnawake

All went very well. Great service. Everyone is so cordial and friendly. [vc_separator type=’transparent’ position=’center’ color= » thickness= » up= » down= »] Great dentist and staff. Work well done. I am very satisfied and will definitely recommend you and your services. Liliane Williams from Kahnawake who received a dental veneers treatment.

What does an orthodontic treatment do?

Orthodontics is a branch of dentistry that consists in diagnosing and treating malocclusions. In order to help you better understand this specialty, we will explain what an orthodontic treatment is about at the Centre de santé dentaire Dre Thu Nguyen. The diagnostic Orthodontic treatments are needed to treat a dental malocclusion. What’s a malocclusion? Let’s […]