Horaire des fêtes: Le centre est fermé du 22 décembre au 7 janvier.

It’s a hollow artificial tooth that is used to cover a damaged or decayed tooth. They restore the tooth functionally but also its shape and appearance. A crown is similar to a natural tooth.

Crowns: the steps

First, we must administer a local anesthetic. Then we proceed to the milling or grinding of a portion of the tooth to be repaired. In order to customize the crown, Dr. Nguyen has to take the impression of the reduced tooth and the adjacent teeth. Then a temporary crown is made until the fitting of the permanent crown. Once satisfied with the fit, form, color as well as the occlusion, Dr. Nguyen cements the crown into place to complete the treatment.

The different types of crowns

There are different types of materials used to make dental crowns. First, we have the metal crowns. They have the advantage of wearing less the natural opposing teeth. Porcelain crowns and porcelain-fused-to-metal crowns appear very similar to a natural tooth. In all three cases, the level of resistance is similar. To determine which type of crown you would need, our dentist will assess your situation and will recommend the best option for you.

Generally, crowns last at least 10 years as long as you take good care. Like natural teeth, they should be brushed, cleaned and flossed. Moreover, as the crowns are more fragile than natural teeth, it is recommended to avoid biting into hard food or to use your teeth to open or cut objects.

We invite you to view other esthetic treatments offered by Dr. Nguyen and his team at Centre de Santé Dentaire Dr. Thu Nguyen.

Contact us at 450-691-0711 or fill out the form below:

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