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The top 3 reasons why wisdom teeth should be extracted

The top 3 reasons why wisdom teeth should be extracted

In theory, an adult person has 32 teeth, 8 incisors, 4 canines, 8 premolars and 12 molars. Among the molars, 4 are wisdom teeth located way back of the dental arches. While these teeth were once used to chew raw meat, today, the food has evolved, they no longer have any function. In fact, it is strongly recommended to extract them, but for what reasons?

Keep a nice dentition

Depending on the individual, the wisdom teeth may remain locked in the jaw and never come out, so they are called impacted teeth. They can also only partially come out, we are talking about semi-impacted teeth. Finally, the erupted wisdom teeth are ones that are completely out. The fact remains that the problem lies in the fact that very often, the lack of space in the mouth is an obstacle for a satisfactory evolution of wisdom teeth. Also, during their eruption, it can result in a displacement or an overlap of the incisors. The extraction of wisdom teeth is strongly recommended.

Avoid infections

Because of their location in the mouth, wisdom teeth are very hard to reach when brushing and cleaning. Bacteria can easily proliferate and result in infections and inflammation such as pericoronitis in the semi-impacted wisdom teeth, gingivitis and tooth caries. In addition to the fact that such conditions can cause bad breath, pain may also be present.

Facilitate your dental care

As you have seen, it is difficult to brush your wisdom teeth properly, so imagine the complexity for the dentist to care if you have a tooth decay on the nearby molar. Will he be able to treat it properly? To eliminate such uncertainties and have a healthy mouth, it’s better extract your wisdom teeth.

Do you have questions on the subject? Do not hesitate to ask Dr. Nguyen at your next appointment. In addition, we have Dr. Manh Khoa Tran, a maxillofacial specialist in our team who is responsible for wisdom tooth surgeries.

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