Horaire des fêtes: Le centre est fermé du 22 décembre au 7 janvier.

4 questions on cavities

Dental cavities are a fairly common problem. In fact, 9 out of 10 Canadians suffer from cavities, which is troublesome, and 57% of children between 6 and 12 years old have had at least one cavity. When a cavity forms, it starts by eating away at the tooth enamel and causes decay. If left untreated, […]

How to relieve the teething pain in your baby?

Teething in a baby occurs at around the age of 6 months. For some children, this process is painless, while for others, it creates real discomfort. How to detect teething in your baby? What are the symptoms and how to relieve them? Here is relevant information on the subject. Symptoms associated with teething Until the […]

Tips to prevent the onset of tooth decay

Dental caries affects a majority of the population and is mainly caused by poor oral hygiene and a diet high in sugar. However, some people may be at greater risk of developing tooth decay, despite having good oral hygiene. Some factors include lack of minerals, teeth grinding, misuse of teeth hygiene products and much more. […]

Testimony in family dentistry – Isabella Cree from Kahnawake

Excellent from start to finish. The kids never worried about returning, always a pleasant experience. And they’re always smiling when they exit the dentist office now. Isabella is cavity free!! In the past, I always had trouble with freezing, needing two or three syringes. Here, I only needed one and my repairs were never even […]

What is a crown?

It’s a hollow artificial tooth that is used to cover a damaged or decayed tooth. They restore the tooth functionally but also its shape and appearance. A crown is similar to a natural tooth. Crowns: the steps First, we must administer a local anesthetic. Then we proceed to the milling or grinding of a portion […]

The progression of a cavity

We often hear about how important it is to brush our teeth and to floss everyday in order to keep a good oral health. Annual dental check-ups and cleanings must also be part of a healthy regiment to keep your teeth healthy.  Even with all the precautions that you take and the  good habits that […]

Cavities: You can prevent them!

No one is completely protected from cavities. However, there are many habits that can help prevent them, and others that nearly guarantee the appearance of new cavities. Some basic tips: Brush your teeth twice a day. Use a chronometer to measure the amount of time spent brushing your teeth. A good cleaning should last 2 […]