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Bruxism : the explanation of many troubles

Bruxism : the explanation of many troubles

Throughout their lives, a large portion of the population will experience bruxism, also known as teeth grinding or clenching. This dental problem is far from being normal and should be taken seriously to avoid any physical consequences.

Symptoms of bruxism not to be neglected

Morning migraines, pains in the jaws or in the temporomandibular joints; here are some examples of the unpleasant physical consequences which can come from bruxism and which should alert a patient. In addition to these examples, we should note dental problems which could include premature wear of teeth, tooth loss, broken crowns, fillings and prostheses. If not treated, it may affect different aspects of the patient’s life.

What causes bruxism ?

It is difficult to identify the exact cause of bruxism. However, stress may often be the cause as well as certain sleeping problems. Reducing stress will certainly help to reduce the problem  and even eliminate it from the patient’s life. It is important to consult your dentist to find the causes and act quickly.


Because it often happens unconsciously, grinding teeth or clenching may be difficult to correct without seeking help. By visiting our dental clinic in Châteauguay, we can make a clear diagnosis and help you to find a solution. Sometimes, treatment includes making a custom mouth guard which will protect the enamel of your teeth during the night. It will prevent your teeth from touching during sleep and consequently avoid grinding or clenching.

For additional information about bruxism, visit the Ordre des dentistes du Québec  website.

We are also sharing an article about temporomandibular joint disorders.

Are you suffering from teeth grinding or tightening of the jaws? Contact us to make an appointment to avoid any damage to your teeth: 450-691-0711.

