It is with great pleasure to announce that for a fourth consecutive year, the Centre de santé dentaire Dr. Thu Nguyen will hold a fundraiser for Leucan Montérégie from January 28th to February 15th. The clinic will donate $10 to Leucan Montérégie for every patient’s exam and cleaning done by our dental hygienists. We will also have tins at the reception desk where you can donate any sum of money.
Leucan Montérégie is one of nine regional offices of Leucan, an Association founded in 1978. From diagnosis to all stages of the disease, Leucan is a faithful ally of hundreds of members in the area affected by pediatric cancer. With a qualified team who have developed an expertise in the field, the Association provides distinctive and tailored services and it also allowed for the funding of clinical research and the Leucan Information Centre.
The Centre de santé dentaire Dr. Thu Nguyen chooses to support Leucan because children’s wellbeing and their families are important to us.
Join us for this fundraising campaign by making an appointment for an exam and cleaning with one of our dental hygienists. Call us at 450-691- 0711
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